Juliane Girl

Juliane Girl

Hey, It's Juliane. I'm from the north of Germany where I study culture, language, and media. At the moment I'm working as an editor with Babylon Radio.

Brazil dam disaster – survivors unlikely

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After the collapse of a dam in Brazil on Friday, the rescue team says there is a low chance of finding survivors. Meanwhile helpers found a bus containing several corpses bringing the death toll to an estimated number of 58…

Guaidó declares himself interim leader of Venezuela

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Opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself interim president on Wednesday denying current president Nicolás Maduro’s legitimacy. Following the political and economic crisis, Venezuela is struck with, thousands of people took to the streets supporting Guaidó and were met with police…

32 days US shutdown affects FBI

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The US government shutdown has been going on for 32 days now and consequences for government employees become more and more visible. Many of them are forced to work other jobs in order to be able to pay their bills.…

Taliban attacks Afghan military base

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On Monday the Taliban attacked a military base in the Afghan province of Wardak west of Kabul. The death toll estimates are over 100 with government officials refusing to confirm exact numbers. At a training center on the grounds of…

21 killed in Kenya hotel attack

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On Tuesday at around 12:00 GMT gunmen stormed the DusitD2 hotel and business complex in Nairobi opening fire on the hotel guests. Upon entering one of the men blew himself up in the hotel lobby. The assault resulted in a…

MPs vote down Brexit deal

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On Tuesday, MPs voted down the Brexit deal Prime minister Theresa May had negotiated with the EU, by an overwhelming majority. With 432 of the votes against the deal and only 202 in favor of it, the only offer on…

MPs vote Brexit deal today

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MPs are getting ready to vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal today after the 5-day debate draws to a close. Voting will start at 7 GMT after a final speech by May at 6:30. The widely unpopular deal is expected…

Tshisekedi to win the DR Congo election

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In the Congolese presidential election from the 30th of December, oppositional candidate Felix Tshisekedi has surprisingly announced the winner. Tshisekedi’s victory was announced overnight and immediately fuelled a debate over its legitimacy. Favored candidate Martin Fayulu criticized the outcome suspecting…