Category Employment

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Diary of an Au pair

Live In Au Pair Rathmines Dublin 6 199

Are you planning to come to Dublin to study English? Are you looking for a job? Do you need  accommodation? Great: became an Au pair can give you all this things… and more! I arrived in Ireland one month ago…

Sleep more, work less


It is hard to invent the Mars spaceship or create a good marketing plan for selling swimsuits in Saudi Arabia, after a party and on just two hours of sleep. On the other hand, many companies start the work day…

Don’t Worry Be Happy

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Total Irish employment rose by 44,100 last year, according to the Quarterly National Household Survey. This is a very good news for people in Ireland as well as for future migrants. More money will be spent on Guinness and umbrellas,…

El Dublinorado

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We don’t live in the world of our dreams. There are big differences in the standard of living across the continents. But happily for “Guinness” and the Irish people, Dublin belongs to the group of the best cities to live…

Usain Bolt of economy growth

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Ireland was and will be the European country with fastest GDP (gross domestic product) growth. It is more impressive when you realize that other EU members are still in crisis stagnation. The growth should reduce unemployment from 9.8 to 7.8%.…

Healthcare companies to create 340 jobs in Dublin

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This week, Dublin’s health sector has seen two major boosts as care home operator Carechoice and Spanish healthcare firm Grifols announced new investments, which will, according to them, will be creating 340 jobs. Carechoice is seeking nurses, health care assistants,…

800 new jobs for Northern Ireland

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French based firm Teleperformance is set to create 800 jobs in Northern Ireland through its new call center in Co Fermanagh. The international company is expanding operations at an Enniskillen-based contact centre which it agreed to take over earlier this…