Organic food: Boosted by Coronavirus

Working from home, closed gyms, a lot of free time – the pandemic has a big impact on our everyday life. That not only leads to a demand for home workout videos, but also results in a significant increase in…
Working from home, closed gyms, a lot of free time – the pandemic has a big impact on our everyday life. That not only leads to a demand for home workout videos, but also results in a significant increase in…
One year of video calls, one year of not seeing family and friends in my home country. After waiting for months the German government has now decided to lift it’s travel restrictions. For me that was the moment I realized:…
It doesn’t matter if the sun is shining, it is freezing cold, or raining – at Dublin’s swimming spots, there are always people taking a bath. Many of them have been doing this every day, since they were kids. Not…
Open your eyes in a sweat, take a deep breath, realise with relief: it’s all just a dream. Since the Covid pandemic started, more and more people are experiencing vivid dreams, often nightmares. A study confirms that corona influences our…
More and more people are being or becoming vegetarian nowadays. Some because they want to lose weight, others because they feel sorry for the animals or for environmental reasons. However, there is the risk of missing nutrients when not eating…
Since the pandemic, working from home and lacking social contact, more and more people have discovered nature for themselves. With that also comes an increasing awareness of animals living on land and in the sea – especially when they’re injured.…
Whereas infection rates of HIV are decreasing in most European countries nowadays, they are still on the rise in Ireland. Reasons for that are diverse but one in particular is outstanding: Ireland’s inability to talk about sex. Conor O’Brien* always…
To detect more COVID-19 cases, the HSE set up so-called walk-in test centers at the end of March to offer free Corona testing. The figures prove that even people without any symptoms can have the virus. Wearing white overalls, the…
The Northern Ireland Protocol was not only intended to regulate traffic and trade between Great Britain and Ireland post-Brexit. It was also supposed to prevent old conflicts on the island from flaring up again. Current unrest in Northern Ireland shows…